Selasa, 15 September 2015

Silica Gel Breather

“Transformer silica gel breather” The failure or malfunction of many transformers or similar equipments can be directly attributed to the lack of proper control of the level of water vapour entering the equipment. It is essential, therefore, that a very low level of humidity is maintained in the air space in the top of the conservator tank to avoid deterioration of the insulating properties of the cooling medium. Transformer Breathers provide an economic and efficient means of controlling the level of moisture entering the conservator tank during the change in volume of the cooling medium and/or airspace caused by temperature gradients. All our Transformer Breathers are filled with Envirogel, which is a self-indicating silica gel desiccant. This desiccant is orange/yellow in colour when active, but turns green when saturated.
• R, R1, & R2
S, T & U Series
V, W, X, Y, & Z Series
Mark 7
R, R1, & R2 The 'R' Series Transformer Breathers are manufactured from UV stabilised polycarbonate and are available in three different sizes. The clear polycarbonate body allows for clear visibility of the desiccant charge and enables users to check desiccant condition with ease. The unit is mounted from a ¾" female pipe thread connection at the top of the breather. This connection point is also used for filling and emptying the desiccant within the breather. Two-way, low pressure valves are fitted in the base of the breather to ensure that the atmospheric air enters the desiccant when a negative pressure differential occurs within the equipment being protected. “Samudera Agung lestari jaya “ is supplier company of products and solution preventing the problem cause by : condensation, high humidity & pressure variation. Product covered :
1. " Desiccant " : remove water vapour and other contaminant
2. " Molecular Sieve " : powder, paste, beads and pellet form
3. " Drum Vent dryer / filter " : Protecting drums, tank & reservoir.
4. " Pipeline dryer " : Reducing water vapour content in pipeline
5. " Transformer breather " : Protect the trafo oil from high humidity.
6. " Tank Vent Dryer / filter " : protect product / oil from water contamination
7. " Pressure relief valve "
more detail contact ;
Samudera Agung Lestari Jaya
Moes Graha
Jl. Mekar Baru 1 No 72
Cirendeu - Ciputat Timur
Tangerang Selatan - Banten

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